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Changes the value of the requested MIDI RPN. This is like sending the required set of individual MIDI RPN control change events programmatically. So you can use this for instance to change the sampler's (hard coded) implementation of standard MIDI RPNs, like i.e. changing coarse tuning in half tones on a sampler part for instance.

Function Prototype

set_rpn(parameter, value)


Argument Name Data Type Description
parameter Integer Number MIDI RPN parameter number.
value Integer Number New value for that RPN parameter.

Return Value

Data Type Description
Event ID Number Event ID of the new MIDI RPN event.


None yet.

See also

set_nrpn(), set_controller()


Since LinuxSampler 2.1.1.svn31.

Document Updated:  2020-01-03  |  Author:  Christian Schoenebeck