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Searches for the sought value needle in the given array, if such a value is found, then this function returns the first index of the value being found. Otherwise if the array does not have such a value, it returns -1 instead.

Function Prototype

search(array, needle)


Argument Name Data Type Description
array Integer Array Variable or
Real Array Variable
The array variable to be scanned.
needle Integer Number or
Real Number
The value to be searched for.

Return Value

Data Type Description
Integer Number Index of the first element found with that value, otherwise -1 if nothing found.


If array is an Integer Array Variable then needle must be an Integer Number, or if array is a Real Array Variable then needle must be a Real Number instead.


None yet.

See also

sort(), array_equal()


Since LinuxSampler 2.0.0.svn52.

Document Updated:  2019-09-16  |  Author:  Christian Schoenebeck